Núcleo De Arte is a cultural organization that stands for promotion, valorization, and development of fine arts in Mozambique, which is operating since 1921 in a privileged area of Maputo city.
It was created with the intention of giving to the artists a space to network and find resources to build there career, as well as where they will find their inclusion and diversity in their art making; the same space is designed to give to the art lovers, collectors and consumers of fine arts the diversity, and to meet their needs.

There is a professional studio created under a humanity feeling, where artists share their talents and passion to achieve their excellence in arts as well as their sustainability.
The association Núcleo De Arte, in the dynamic of many projects and programs that come along its course, gives facilitation to exchange between exhibition of artworks, workshops, meetings and debates, opening space for approximation between the public and the fine arts.
The space, through its gallery, offers to the public permanent, collective and solos exhibitions of artists’ artworks, which can be viewed and acquired.

Núcleo De Arte is a non profitable collective cultural institution, with juridical personality, and with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy.
Born in the twenties (20’s), Núcleo De Arte has in mind the following objectives:
a) Publish, dignify and defend the fine arts in
b) To gather human and financial resources that will help the development, knowledge and publication of fine arts.
c) To help the artists members, morally, material and in the defense of their artistic interests.
d) To help and incentive promotional activities of fine arts between the associates.
e) To do and/or help art exhibitions.
f) To promote contacts and exchanges between different regions of the country, and to establish agreements with foreign organizations.
g) To minister fine arts internship in its premises.
h) To collaborate with official institutions, private and personalities in offering counsel in the aesthetic, artistic patrimony conservation, or that what interests us for the development of fine arts in
Núcleo de Arte is in title to perform other activities like recreation or entertainment, with the and of minimizing the association, raising funds or to proportion to the associates more regalia.
Other services:
- Giving for rent artworks
- Giving for rent the room for exhibitions, meetings, book or brochures launchings, arts and book fairs, atc.
This association holds, regularly, exhibitions in its gallery, live contribution to the art scenery in
Lets strongly invest and incentive the arts and culture, as important pillar for the communities’, social and financial, development.
Rua da Argélia, nº: 194
Maputo – Moçambique
Tel. (+258) 21499840

Email: nucleo.dearte@yahoo.com
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